CILE 1973-2023: Controrivoluzione e Resistenza. Iniziativa FILEF a Sydney

Invito a partecipare all’evento a 50 anni dal colpo di Stato fascista dell’11 settembre 1973 in Cile, in cui discuteremo dei drastici effetti nazionali e globali della dittatura e poi della post-dittatura dal 1990. Il forum prende il titolo da un progetto in 2 volumi e 60 capitoli che sarà pubblicato quest’anno da in lingua spagnola. Comprende prospettive sul colpo di Stato e sull’economia neoliberale che ne è seguita, sulla resistenza popolare e sulla lunga “transizione verso la democrazia”, tra cui la rivolta studentesca antipatriarcale del 2018, l’insurrezione nazionale dell’ottobre 2019 e infine la sconfitta della costituzione cilena più progressista di sempre nel 2022.


You are invited to join us for this event 50 years on from the fascist coup of 11 September 1973 where we will discuss the drastic national and global effects of dictatorship, then post-dictatorship since 1990. The forum takes its title from a 2-volume, 60-chapter project to be published this year by in Spanish. It integrates perspectives on the coup and neoliberal economy which followed, on popular resistance, and the long “transition to democracy”, including the 2018 anti-patriarchal student uprising, October 2019 national insurrection and then the defeat of Chile’s most progressive constitution ever in 2022.



• Live music of the resistance from Italy and Chile by Cantastorie, and light refreshments

A short excerpt from the iconic documentary “The Battle of Chile”

Forum Panel:

Kemy Oyarzún: “Testimonials on dictatorship and beyond”. Kemy Oyarzún is a Doctor of Literature from the University of California, Irvine. For 15 years she taught Literature and Latin American studies at the University of California, Riverside. Upon her return to Chile, she co-founded Gender Studies at the University of Chile, and is currently president of the Pablo Neruda Foundation.

Camila da Costa: “Operation Condor”. Camila is a Brazilian political scientist with a Master in Strategic Studies. Her expertise includes nation building; imperialist military policies in Latin America, the Middle East, Eurasia and Africa; and ethnic-tribal conflicts. She is a researcher in the Observatory of Nationalities International Research network.

Ximena de la Barra: “Has the Time Come for Social Movements in Chile?”. Ximena is a Chilean architect and social scientist. She participated in the government of Salvador Allende, taught at Columbia University in New York and was a United Nations official for 15 years.

Robert Austin Henry will be the Forum Moderator. Robert holds a Ph.D in Latin American History (LaTrobe, 1998). He researches neo-colonial history in Latin America, and has worked in Chile, Mexico, Cuba and Venezuela since 1978. He has 150+ publications, including 12 books



Saturday September 2nd from 7:00pm to 9:30pm


Marrickville Library Pavillion, 313 Marrickville Rd Marrickville


Filef Sydney